Sunday 8 September 2019

Estel Alamie (641 MR)

Half-elf Wizard (Diviner)

Growing up and studying in the courts of different kingdoms has taught her that Truth is rarely single and that before getting an opinion about something it is always good to listen to different points of view about it. A life of studies has also taught her how to make improvements and to ask questions, starting from the assumption of ignorance. As an essay wrote: the unanswered questions are those that teach us the most, because they encourage us to learn how to think. 

Ideals. Believes in knowledge: advancing knowledge and research allows the world to improve and individuals to gain power and understanding of the world.

Bonds. Two questions are at the heart of Estel's life research: how, why and where the Lluabraight elves have retired from the world: what happened to that half of her roots, and what really happened to Gavin, the man for whose killing his father had earned the title of national hero. This mystery has already marked the life of her father, and now it is up to her to seek answers, in history and in the present. 

Flaws. Her interest in the world sometimes exceeds even the survival instinct, leading it to ignore the danger of a situation if it can learn something about creatures, magical arts or the history of the world.

Parents: Nathaniel Alamie (590-642 MR) former Duke of Alamie & Siobhan Siannodenel (12-??? MR), Princess of Lluabraight

Siblings: Niobhe Alamie (617 MR), Duchess of Alamie & Queen of Dhoesone.

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