Sunday 8 September 2019

Vladimir Jotunulf (649 MR)

Human Cleric (Nature)
Guild Artisan

I always wonder what wild creatures think,  what they experience free of the complications of human life.

Ideals. Understanding nature is the path to understanding ourselves, and our place in the world.

Bonds. My grandmother Huralla, druid of Erik. She taught me to cherish all the creatures of Erik, and she instructed me in the arts of medicine and taxidermy.

Flaws. I have several rituals that I must follow, even when performing the most simple tasks.

Parents: Sigurd Jotunulf (620 MR) & Kolina Sigurdottr (615 MR), High-King and Queen of the Giantdowns.

Siblings: Huralla (644 MR), Sasha (645 MR), Gunnar (646 MR), Varri (651 MR).

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