Sunday 3 November 2019

Session 5

PCs (2nd-level): Bernard, Estel, Tristan, Vladimir

The PCs follow up on the deal they made with Omadi: to free his bath-house from the silat Kadiga. They visit the place that Omadi has provided to welcome the silat, a small hut in the Beggars' quarter. Fearing that the silat would not appreciate the change, they decide to look for alternatives.

They take a rowing boat and explore the coast of Ariya. They find a small sea cave adjacent to a cozy beach inhabited by giant crabs. Vladimir manages to befirend the beasts, and the PCs have access to the cave. Inside they find a sleeping co, and a chest containing two daggers, two vials of poison, and an iron mask. The PCs empty the cave, and go back to the city to accompany Kadiga to the cave. The silat seems satisfied of her new home, and bids the party farewell.

The day after the PCs receive a visit at Malik's palace. Nula el-Adara, Marshal of the Swords of Avani, has a few more questions for them concerning the events transpired at the Prince's Guildhall. The discussion is quite tense, and Nura leaves on unfriendly terms, but she can find no evidence to detain the party.

Later the PCs visit the Tower of Morning, where they are received by the Grand Vizier. Almira has a pleasant conversation with the party, also introducing her political idea of a realm of Ariya free from the influence of the clergy. The PCs ask her about the Alchemist, and Almira suggests to visit the Source of Ariya. It is possible that the Alchemist ha tried to access the mafical power of the Source to grant additional power to his alchemical fire.

The party visits the Source, where Almira introduces Estel to the mysteries of the Sun Mages. While communing with the Source, the mages receive a vision of a man accessing the catacombs beneath the Source with the help of an amulet charged with Divine magic. In order to learn more about this intruder, the party summons the spirits of the Source, and are tested by them. When the spirits are satisfied, they grant the PCs access to the catacombs.

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