Monday 18 November 2019

Session 6

PCs (2nd-level): Bernard, Estel, Tristan, Tuarim, Vladimir

The party enters the catacombs beneath the source, where they must face several magical traps, and the undead creatures still performing their duties as guardians.

While exploring the crypt, they discover a statue of El-Arrasi, patron of the Khinasi. When she approaches, Estel connects with the mystical energies surrounding the statue, and receives a vision from the great wizard. During the vision she accepts the gift of Sun Magic.

Further ahead they discover a book on alchemy, apparently left behind by someone in a hurry. The book belongs to the library of Ariya. Hoping to find some info there, the party leaves the catacombs. Outside the grand vizier Almira is waiting for them, and, being a Sun Mage herself, recognizes the newfound powers of Estel.

The party visits the library, where they meet Rahil the Falcon, Almira's former master. Rahil is helpful, and uses the book the PCs are returning to scry on its previous owner. From his spell the PCs learn of the approximate location of the underground lair of the Alchemist. More concerning, during the vision they can peek inside the lair of the Alchemist, where they spot a gigantic vat of alchemist fire.

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