Wednesday 9 November 2022

Session 36

Heroes (lvl 8): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel 

673 MR - Spring

The Heroes charge ahead, the only obstacle standing between them and the tower is Sir Duncan of Nietier, and his fellow knights. The party crushes through this last line of defense, and win the day. The castle has been conquered, but the mage's tower remains enclosed in a magical field. The PCs secure the perimeter around the tower, and settle in the main keep.

Spoils of war are divided among the Dragonguard, with clear orders of treating all the servants of the castle with utmost respect. On the matter of the soldiers defeated on the field, and made prisoner, the PCs offer them the choice to join their army, or to return home. Both allies and former enemies are impressed by the kindness and fair-play of the party.

The Heroes spend the night in the fortress, and the day after they perform a ritual to dispel the barrier around the mage's tower. Once the barrier is gone, they ready themselves to enter the tower, and face Count Arlen Innis.

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