Wednesday 21 June 2023

Session 49

Heroes: Gunnar, Hassan, Bundrik, Dafaelyn, Horgin, Rhys

673 MR - Summer

The party ventures into the catacombs below Ariya, exploring the empty halls until they discover the entrance to a lower level. Hassan feels his blood stir when they approach the stairs descending into this ancient tomb.

They find themselves in a vast vaulted chamber, with hieroplyphs covering the walls. The place seems to be the final resting place of a masetian noble by the name of Nefru Shepses.

Further exploration brings the heroes to a desecrated altar chamber dedicated to the defunct goddess Masela. Several zombies roam the place. Having destroyed the undead, the party proceeds through a trapped hall, and then into a library of sorts.

There they meet Neferekhu, a disembodied undead head in a cage, and her skeletal guardians. When her guardians are destroyed, Neferekhu pleads for mercy.

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