Monday 12 June 2023

Session 48 - The Crown of the Oceans

Heroes: Gunnar, Hassan, Bundrik, Dafaelyn, Horgin, Rhys

673 MR - Summer

In the libraries of Seasedge, Hassan has found ancient scrolls, extracts from the Journal of Azusena the Wanderer, that mention the Crown of the Oceans. This item apparently has a deep connection to the bloodline of Masela, and to the lost Masetian people. Hidden in the scrolls is the secret path to find the Crown, and claim the power of the dead goddess of the seas. The journal tells that the Crown of the Oceans was kept for a long time in the forgotten city of Saria. Further research identifies the city of Aryia as having been built on the ruins of Saria. 

The Crown of the Oceans also seems to have several traits in common with the Iron Crown of King Sigurd, and with the Emperor’s Crown of Anuire. Intrigued by the true connection among these artifacts, Gunnar has not forgotten the tales of his brother Vladimir’s adventure in the Khinasi lands, and decides to follow Hassan in his quest.

Also joining in this quest are:

  • Horgin, an old friend of Hassan, and his trusted navigator;
  • Dafaelyn, a younger daughter of the Rocksplitter clan, looking for adventure away from home;
  • Bundrik, a mighty warrior from the Rocksplitter clan, entrusted by his King with protecting Dafaelyn.

The Heroes sail to the City of Ariya, where they're met by a delegation of nobles sent from the Sultana. Among them are Estel, who is known to Gunnar, and the mysterious elf Rhys. Pretending to be in Ariya as a diplomatic delegation, the Heroes are brought to the presence of the Grand Vizier Almira el-Arrasi, who is acting regent while the Sultana is off to war to unify the Khinasi realms under one banner.

The conversation rapidly moves toward the Masetian people and the ruins of ancient Saria. Almira leaves it up to Estel to inform the Heroes further about the legends related to Saria, and to the Labyrinth of Reason, a cursed complex of catacombs situated below Ariya. All those who have explored the tunnels have disappeared mysteriously. 

Investigations into the disappearances have come to nothing. All that is left is a piece of parchment written in a language that no sage nor magic can decipher. When Hassan succeeds in reading the message thanks to his bloodline, it seems his path and that of his companions is set. Intrigued by their quest, Rhys asks to accompany the heroes into the Labyrinth.

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