Wednesday 26 July 2023

Session 52

Heroes: Gunnar, Hassan, Bundrik, Dafaelyn, Horgin, Rhys

673 MR - Autumn

The party plans the best way to infiltrate the Sultan's palace. They decide to disguise as wine sellers, also helped by an old acquaintance of Hassan, a serving girl from his past at the palace. 

They gain access to the palace's stables, where they hide until sundown. They then sneak inside the Sultan's personal tower, where they find him in a confused state, assisted by his vizier, and guarded by a few goons from the society of the Serpent.

The PCs kill the vizier and the guards, which causes a general alarm to be sounded. The party barricade themselves into the tower, while Hassan tries to wake his father from his numbness. Hassan's word are successful, and the Sultan recognizes his son as his true heir. 

While the palace soldiers gather around the tower, ready to storm it, Hassan and his father begin to soar the skies above the courtyard, ready to rain lightning and thunder on their enemies.

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