Wednesday 12 July 2023

Session 51

Heroes: Gunnar, Hassan, Dafaelyn, Rhys

673 MR - Autumn

The party travels to Djafra by sea, but they're intercepted by the embargo of the Sultana Nura el-Arrasi. When their identities are made known, they're welcomed by the sultana and her attending vizier, the mage Mour el-Sirad. Ariya is at war with Djafra, as the sultana pursues her dream of a unified Khinasi.

Nura explains that diplomacy has failed so far, also due to the current sultan, Beshid el-Djafara, being under the influence of less-than-honest counsellors. The real power in the land is Beshid's cousin, Kassim, who is financed by corrupt guilds, like the Society of the Serpent.

Being Beshid's only son, Hassan could help the situation, if he manages to get his father's ear. Nura proposes to the party to infiltrate Djafra and try to unravel this knot, before she's forced to initiate a full-scale assault on the city. 

The party smuggles inside the city, and Hassan visits an opium den where he spent most of his youth. There the Heroes gather more info about the current political situation, and start to formulate a plan to enter the royal palace and speak with the sultan.

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