Wednesday 9 August 2023

Session 53

Heroes: Gunnar, Hassan, Bundrik, Dafaelyn, Horgin, Rhys

673 MR - Autumn

The party engages the palace guard in combat, trying to defend their position inside the tower. Hassan and his father rain lightning and thunder on their enemies, provoking Kassim's anger. The man pellets Beshid with deadly arrows, and brings him low. But the party has many resources, both magical and mundane, and they succeed in defeating Kassim and his forces.

The sultan casts one last spell, uttering the final word of destructive realm magic weeks in the making. The spell acts inside the city walls, unerringly striking dead all those bearing the symbol of the Society of the Serpent. 

With evil purged from the city, Hassan has the time to share a few final words with his father; he learns a bit more about his mother, and he receives a locket with a small portrait of the woman. Then the sultan dies in his son's embrace, passing onto him the last of his bloodline, and rulership over Djafra.

Later that evening, the party examines the locket, and they find out it hides a map of sorts. The map points to the Isle of Ghosts in the Sea of the Golden Sun.

During the following days, the sultana Nura el-Arrasi is invited to the city under a banner of peace and friendship; Hassan agrees to swear fealty to her and support her dream of a unified Khinasi empire.

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