Wednesday 20 September 2023

Session 54

Heroes: Gunnar, Hassan, Dafaelyn, Rhys

673 MR - Winter

The party spends the next season consolidating Hassan's authority in Djafra, with the assistance of the Sultana Nura el-Arrasi. Hassan places trusted lieutenants in power, ready to take over during his absence. He forges an alliance with the Jentilak Traders, a powerful guild with a network extending from the Rjurik Highlands to the Khinasi realms.

As winter settles in, the party leaves for the Isle of Ghosts. After a few days of travel they're caught by a storm; their ship weathers the storm with some damage and minimal losses. The momentum acquired during the storm propels the ship straight into an unnatural, colossal conglomerate of seaweed: a 10-miles-wide sargasso!

The ship is stuck in the weed, and the sea-plant seems to have a will of its own, as it slowly makes its way up the sides of the ship to imprison the vessel. Nearby, several other ships, now nothing more than wrecks, are trapped in the sargasso. 

Hoping to avoid the same fate, the PCs leave their ship to investigate a nearby wreck, looking for clues. Inside the hold of the wreck they find a journal describing the horror experienced by the crew while stuck in the sargasso. The journal also mentions some sort of evil entity located in the center of the sargasso: destroying that entity could be the only way to avoid death.

As they ponder on the journal, the party is attacked by vines of seaweed trying to strangle them and poison them. The PCs destroy the sentient vegetation, and move to leave the wreck.

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