Tuesday 21 November 2023

Session 58 - The Crown of the Oceans - Epilogue

Heroes: Gunnar, Hassan, Bundrik, Dafaelyn, Horgin, Rhys

673 MR - Winter

Uncertain about their future, Bundrik and Dafaelyn decide to get married. That same night, the two dwarves confront Rhys about his true identity. They have doubts that the elf is not really who he says he is. Their interrogation doesn't lead them to discover the truth, but it confirms that Rhys is keeping important secrets.

Rhys researches the library of the royal palace, to find out more about the Crown of Oceans. His research leads to more doubts when he realizes that there are several contradictory legends about the creation of the Crown.

During the night, he receives a visit in a dream from the supreme sun sorceress Almira El-Arrasi. He tells her what he has discovered, and gives her a summary of the events of the past few days. Almira gives Rhys the task of safeguarding Hassan and the Crown, in view of a possible alliance, or even marriage, with the Sultana.

The day of battle arrives. Hassan addresses the gathered crowds with a rousing speech. Dorotheas's fleet sets out to face the Serpent's fleet. The heroes' forces are much smaller in number, but thanks to the superior knowledge of the territory and the aquatic magic of the Masetians, they manage to stand up to the invaders.

Hassan summons the power of the Crown to bring down storm winds on the invaders, and Horgin surprises everyone when he transforms into a whale and crashes onto the deck of the Serpent's flagship.

The magical powers and physical strength of the Serpent begin to prevail over the Heroes, when Hassan uses the Crown's most fearsome power. The terrible Kraken arrives from the deepest abyss, and begins to destroy vessels of both factions. Hassan uses the power of his blood, amplified by the Crown, and takes control of the creature.

With the Kraken on their side, Dorotheas' fleet defeats the Serpent's remaining vessels, while the Heroes deal the final blow to the awnshegh himself. The Heroes return victorious to Dorotheas.

The Masetians are no longer in hiding, and now Hassan has some important decisions to make. The kingdom of the now defunct Serpent is ready to be conquered, and the Sultana represents a powerful ally who could further facilitate a return of the Masetians to the political scene of Cerilia. Remaining in Khinasi lands longer could lead him to even greater glories.

At the same time, Amani and Regall are engaged in a civil war in the Anuirean Empire, and will need all the help they can get to defeat the Exalt Emperor.

Will it be the thirst for power that prevails, or loyalty to his fellow adventurers?

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