Monday 20 November 2023

The King's Speech

King Hassan Hussein el-Djafara Thalassios addresses his subject on the eve of the battle against the Serpent.

My esteemed Masetians,

In the short span of days since my arrival, I have witnessed the wonders of this hidden city,  Dorotheas, and the indomitable spirit of the Masetian people. Though our acquaintance may be brief, the connection we share is profound, for fate has woven our destinies together in a way that defies the ordinary.

As I stand before you, now not just bearing the weight of a powerful crown, but the hopes and dreams of an entire people. This city is a testament to the strength that resides within each of you and the legacy that beckons us to stand united.

This crown I hold in my hands is not just a symbol of kingship; it is a symbol of our shared prosperity. Destiny has brought us together in this place, and together, we shall face the challenges that lie ahead, as a shadow looms over us again—the malevolent Serpent and his approaching fleet. They seek to extinguish the light that’s just been uncovered, to already cast us back into darkness. But we shall not falter; we shall not cower, we .. shall .. prevail.

My fellow Masetians, though our time together has been short, I have come to know the resilience that defines you, the courage that beats in your hearts. Today, we stand on the precipice of reclaiming our entire kingdom, and each one of you plays a crucial role in this saga. It is time to make a choice—a choice that will define us for generations to come.

Some among us may be tempted by the allure of the uncharted world now that the crown has been found and a new king stands before you. Others may yearn for the safety of Dorotheas, to be left undisturbed by the conflicts that rage beyond our borders.

I say to you, my beloved Masetians, that our destiny lies not in isolation or in exploration alone. It lies in our unity, our courage, and our unwavering commitment to the land that cradles our history and the sea that sings our songs. We shall face the Serpent, not as individuals, but as one indomitable force, fueled by the legacy that binds us. – We the descendants of the saviors of the world, that sacrificed almost everything for the light to continue shining through the darkness… we will Rise again!

Today, I ask you to look into your hearts and find the strength to stand tall in the face of adversity. Let the magic of our blood flow through your veins, let the spirit of Nesire guide your every step. The battle ahead will be fierce, but remember, it is not just a battle for land and sea; it is a battle for our identity, our freedom, and, believe me, the future of the world.

Masetians, my brothers, my sisters, my sons & daughters, let the trumpets of war sound, let the waves echo our battle cry! For today, we claim OUR BIRTHRIGHT, the sea’s and oceans. Stand with me, fight with me, and together, we shall emerge victorious. For Dorotheas, for Masetians, for Nesirie, for our binding destiny!

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