Wednesday 22 May 2024

Session 79

Heroes (lvl 11): Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel

674 MR - Spring


In the city of Djafra, Hassan and Gunnar receive an unexpected visit from Lord Thalion, who brings crucial news: he has discovered the location of the Suncrown, a powerful sielshegh-encrusted crown symbolizing rulership over the people of Basaia. unfortunately the location is protected by powerful magical seals, and reamoving these seals will required the intervention of the the Heores.

Accompanying Thalion is a member of the Swords of Avani, Aryia's elite fighting force, who is actually Malik in disguise. After months of cat-and-mouse games between Thalion and Malik, they have finally met and agreed to a temporary truce. Malik's goal is to assassinate the Emperor, and Thalion offers him the perfect opportunity to do so. The Heroes gather their fleet and prepare to sail to the City of Anuire.


Gregor has uncovered new details about the Crown of the Dragonlords. He reveals to Deet and Ryel that this crown is one of the Crowns of Power, artifacts forged by Ruornil, the god of magic, after the demise of the former gods of light. These crowns were created to empower the champions of the gods of light in their struggle against the encroaching darkness. 

When it is time to depart Vosgaard to aid Amani in Anuire, Gregor assigns a squadron of one hundred wyvern-riders, led by his brother and sister, to accompany the Heroes.


Through his magical powers, Regall has maintained contact with the others across great distances, keeping them informed about the progression of the civil war in Anuire. The rebel Dukes have achieved numerous victories and have persuaded several other realms to join their cause. The time for the final siege of the City of Anuire is fast approaching. 

Rumors circulate about dark angels reinforcing the imperial legions and animated armors patrolling the city's walls. A dark, spiraling cloud hovers above the capital, and a beam of purple light emanates from the Grand Cathedral of the One True Church, casting a sickly hue over the sunlight. From land, sea, and sky, the armies of the Heroes converge upon the capital for the decisive battle.

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