Thursday 6 August 2020

Amani Jotunulf Roele (645 MR)

Anuirean/Rjurik (*), Shepherd Druid / Undying Warlock

[[Character Sheet]]

Empress of Anuire

Amani was born as Tabea, second child of the sovereigns of Jentilak. Both her parents are powerful arcanists, but Tabea always felt a deeper connection with nature.

Eventually she abandoned home, to live in solitude in the forest. there she met the arch-druid Huralla, who taught her the ways of the god Erik.

During her Rite of Passage, she decided to take on a new name, as a symbol of her rebirth.

Parents: Rowena, Trevan
Siblings: Tristan, Morwen, Taliesin

(*) The Bloodline of Anduiras gives Amani the racial traits of a Protector Aasimar

- I'm more comfortable around animals than people.
- I love making tea with herbs/flowers wherever I can find them.
- I'm easily distracted by pretty things in nature/or when the sky is changing colors
- I meditate to come back to myself, to process everything around me.
- I like to make simple bracelets and such with things I find in nature.
- I have a tattoo of an owl wit the moon behind it, and the moon changes with the current phase of the moon.
- Would rather have herself hurt than see others suffer.
- Sometimes when waking up it's possible some flowers/moss has gathered around her.

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