Thursday, 6 August 2020

Regall Alamie (654 MR)

Anuirean (*), Celestial Warlock

Duke of Boeruine

[[Character Sheet]]

When Regall was just a kid, he felt a deep connection with the angelic entity called Ashan, the guardian angel of his family since more than a century.

His arcane powers are a combination of his divine bloodline, and the pact he has forged with the angel. 

Regall serves his family as a diplomat and a spy. 

Parents: Niobhe, Ansen III
Siblings: Nathanael II, Siobhan, Maedhros
Wife: Idele Borthein
Children: twins, born 675 MR, Sylvaine (f) and Caelen (m), Bloodline Brenna 33
(*) The Bloodline of Brenna gives Regall the racial traits of a Changeling

- I have a Pet Snow Owl named Sidra.
- I make a habit/point of closely studying peoples looks & voices around me all the time.
- I have a notebook/tome on me at all times, which I study during dead moments and every night before going to sleep.
- I'm not what I appear to be.
- I have a form of Thalassophobia (fear of deep bodies of water) and will avoid travelling by sea unless there simply is no other option and will be scared shitless the entire journey.
- Regall is always getting cleaned up and making sure his hygiene/appearance is up to par with the highest of court standards.
- Ever since the night his father was murdered and brother almost killed, Regall will sometimes look worried when handling his family's tome. The gold on it also seems to have lost some of its shine.

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