Friday 28 August 2020

Session 3

Heroes (lvl 2): Amani, Gunnar, Hassan, Morwen, Regall, Ryel

671 MR - Winter (month of Keltier)

The party secures the building they're in, and then decide to explore the adjacent compound. There they find more signs of abandonment, and more corpses, as if a plague had sudenly hit the village.

They come upon a shard of dark stone, strongly tied to the Shadow world and to necromantic energies. The discovery of the stone triggers the arrival of a horde of zombies, hungry for the Heroes' flesh.

The PCs destroy the zombies, but their troubles are not over. Outside in the snow, the wolves have arrived and are attacking the party's supplies. The Heroes fight the pack, and Amani manages to inflict the killing blow to the pack leader, a fearsome Winter Wolf.

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