Thursday 20 August 2020

Session 2

Heroes (lvl 2): Amani, Gunnar, Morwen, Regall, Ryel

671 MR - Winter (month of Keltier)

The party leaves Hollingholmen, to begin a three weeks trip to Jentilak. King Storm provides a carriage and a pair of horses to transport Tristan's corpse. Thalion tries to connect with his great-grandson Regall, eventually revealing to him that not all is as it seems in the Empire. Amani and Morwen discuss about the future: with Tristan dead, Amani is now the heir of the realm of Jentilak. But the druidess is not dreaming of becoming a ruler, and she will be more than happy to pass this honour to her sister. Morwen looks happy to hear these news. Gunnar trains with his old mentor Riegon.

The weather worsens during their travels, until a full-fledged blizzards catches them in the open. Not too far away, hungry wolves howl as they begin to hunt. The party looks for shelter, and Ryel, with his eyes pefectly attund to the darkness, catches a glimpse of a horse-sized white wolf with icy blue eyes. They avoid the beast, and eventually spot a village in the distance. The place is nothing more than a ghost town, with no one alive to lend any support.

Still, the PCs are not alone. As they look for a place to warm themselves up, several undead creatures rise from the snow to attack them. The PCs clear up a great hall, where they can store their carriage and the horses. They fortify the place as best they can, but it is clear that they're not safe. More undead are out there, and the wolves are still on the hunt.

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