Monday 13 November 2023

The Serpent (dead)

The Serpent, while he was a mere mortal human, commanded Azrai's navy at the Battle of Mount Deismaar. After the battle he was imbued by Azrai's divine blood and quickly, using his new powers, he took control of his ancestral island home. Soon after he started to create his web of power, planning to slowly become the undisputed ruler of his area. Among his many plots he managed, using an assassin, to kill el-Arrasi.

Now he's one of the most famous and most powerful awnsheghlien in all of Cerilia, and he claims Masetian royal blood and, indeed, his island home is the last refuge for the remnants of the Masetian people, together with the hidden city of Dorotheas. With the exception of the Gorgon, he is the closest to assuming true divine power, while his followers already believe he's a god.

Death (session 58): Killed by Rhys

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