Monday 13 November 2023

The Crown of the Oceans

The Crown of the Oceans is a captivating and magical artifact, a masterpiece of craftsmanship and enchantment. Crafted from the most exquisite materials found beneath the waves, it is a symbol of the ocean's beauty, power, and mysteries.

The base of the Crown of the Oceans is intricately sculpted coral, chosen for its vibrant, organic beauty. The coral is polished to a smooth, iridescent finish, capturing the essence of the sea's living heart. Adorning this coral base are six blue sapphires (sielsheghlien of the goddess Masela), each as deep and enchanting as the ocean itself. These sapphires are carefully set, casting a mesmerising, cool azure glow that emulates the depths of the sea.

The Crown of the Oceans is a symbol of respect for the seas and a source of inspiration for sailors, adventurers, and those who hold a deep love for the ocean. Its radiant beauty and mystical powers make it a coveted artefact in the realm of magic and legend.

Worn by Hassan

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