Wednesday 13 December 2023

Session 59 - The Ring of Winter

Heroes: Alyona, Deet, Gwyn, Siobhan, Ryel, Varri

673 MR - Summer

Deet and Ryel return to the Giantdowns, at the court of High King Sigurd. Deet has decided to try and save her brother Kamil, who is a prisoner of the priesthood of Kriesha, back in her home realm of Yeninskiy. She knows that her sister Alyona, who is currently in a cell in the dungeons of King Sigurd, can guide her to the place where Kamil is kept. But to obtain the release of Kamil, the priestesses of Kriesha demand to obtain the Ring of Winter.

This is a powerful, evil artefact once owned but the White Witch, and presumed lost after her demise. Varri and Siobhan agree to accompany Deet in her quest. Unknown to Deet, they're also tasked by King Sigurd to make sure that the Ring does not travel to Vosgaard, but is delivered to him.

Gwyn is a Temple Assassin sent to the Giantdowns by the priesthood of Kriesha to perform a secret mission related to Alyona. She manages to sneak inside the castle, and free Alyona, though the two women decide to remain in the dungeons to not rouse suspicions. When Deet finally decides to have Alyona officialy released, the party gathers up and they make preparations to travel to Mandal, the formel capital of the Realm of the White Witch.

Having crossed the Silverhead Mountains, they're met by the archdruid Huralla. She hears of their quest, and shares some information about the possible whereabouts of the Ring. She tells them that Mandal is now a ruin infested by undead creatures, former servants of the White Witch. She directs them to seek the fortress of Grimskalle, the lair of a powerful frost giantess that served the White Witch in life. Then she leaves with her pack of wolves.

While the party is camped for the night in a cave, a Vos warband emerges from the snowy forest and attacks.

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