Wednesday 8 March 2023

Session 47 - End of Season Two

Heroes (lvl 10): Amani, Deet, Gunnar, Hassan, Regall, Ryel 

673 MR - Spring

The Heroes advance into the nightmarish landscape, and they reach the Temple of the The One True Church. With the dark influence of the Shadow World seeping through reality, the cathedral transforms to show its true purpose: a church to the god Azariel, the Fallen Angel. 

The party faces Cardinal-Duke Aeric Boeruine in combat. The duke summons the dark powers granted to him by Azariel, and puts the Heroes to the test. Ryel ends the confrontation with a stab through the heart.

With the duke defeated, the conquest of Boeruine is complete. A night of celebration is held in the Heroes' honour, but there isn't much time to remain idle.

Regall marries Lady Idele, with Amani's blessing, and he's crowned as Duke of Boeruine. With no true member of the Boeruine's family in power, many at court are disappointed by this turn of events, while others whisper about the rise of the Alamie's and all the power that they are gathering for themselves.

Gunnar writes letters home, to his father to make him proud, and to Siobhan, to keep their flame alive. Deet turns her gaze to the east, where her brother is still kept prisoner by the priesthood of Kriesha.

Ryel is still consumed by his search for the truth behind Anomander and his true identity, and spends long night pouring through tomes of occult knowledge. Hassan, always ready to help a friend, also dives deep into the ancient books, and discovers more information about a mythical artefact called the Crown of the Oceans

The Heroes have won an important victory, but retaliation is forthcoming. In the city of Anuire, the Exalt-Emperor already summons his banners to bring vengeance and retaliation upon the rebel scum that dared rise against him. The Empire will once again be engulfed by the fire of war. 

And blood will flow.

The Ring of Winter - Session 59
Civil War - Session 71
Back Together - Session 79

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