Tuesday 5 July 2011


Angel of Healyn

He wields a finely crafted sword, and carries a bejewelled silver harp, shaped like a dragon. He seems to appear when selected members of the Alamie family are in the most desperate situations.

Dawn of the Empire - He looked over Thalion. When Thalion accepted to be returned to life by dark powers, he was heart-broken and was forced to leave.

Rise of the Wolf - He looked over Michael. Due to Michael's dealings with Azariel, Ashan abandoned him, travelling south to look over Michael's brother, Nathanael.

Eternal Winter - He looked over Niobhe, under the guise of the Rjuven bard Haeming the Skald. Their relationship deepened, and it ended with the birth of their son Maedhros.

Against the Shadow - He's the celestial patron of Regall.

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